Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I'm So Sorry: Been Missing for Quite Sometime

Hello dear guys...So sorry that I did not post anything on my blog for quite sometime...there were few issues plus other commitments that I've to attend to. Now then, I guess I will be able to get back on the track and to be with you all again.

Life was quite demanding lately - as I've to juggle my time with work commitment, family affairs plus my studies.

Wait for the next entry. Really tired..just ame back from the gym to do few workouts & to get back into shape...


Fernanda Ferreira - Ná said...

Hello Carl!!!
So nice to hear from you again...it's been sooooo long since we last exchanged information.
I sincerely hope you still remember me, and hopefully are completely well.
Keep in touch please, you were my very first follower, I won't forget you ever.

I have another Blog of my own, all in Portuguese but there ia a translator (awful, I know), but I would like you to visit it as it's literally my home, my family and friends as well as my village.
The blog has lots of photos, I'm sure you would like to visit my place. Here's the link Na Casa do Rau.

This is another Blog of a very dear friend of mine who actually has a divine English and tells lovely stories that I would like you to have a look, that is if it's not too much to ask.
Na Casa do Rau.

Fernanda Ferreira

Fernanda Ferreira - Ná said...
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Fernanda Ferreira - Ná said...

So sorry Carl, as you can see I have repeated my own link twice, here my friend's vitorchuva-shortstories
Another Hug

Carl S. Adun said...

Hi, fernanda.Okay I'll be in touch

Little Mike (LM) said...

welcome back carl... new blog templates, new look... makin macho... hehe. keep blogging bro

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